"JR" Jack Richards, Jorge Sanchez, and Jake Louis welcomed everybody to tonight's show as fireworks went off on the stage. They talked about all the matches taking place in a steel cage, headlined by PWF Champion Nick Foster taking on Internet Champion Kid in a champion v. champion match.
The N.E.W was shown getting ready in their locker room. Kid looked at the camera man and said, "Get him the hell out of here." Trent Ryan then hit him with a steel chair and the feed cut off.
A spotlight focused on the ring as the cage lowered down. A video package of the greatest Steel Cage matches in pro wrestling also recapping the rivalries over the past few weeks played.
Ring announcer Tim Penzer ran down the rules of the Most Rewarding Match Ever.
-There are 6 competitors
-4 brief cases containing 3 contract for a shot at the World Tag Team, Intercontinental, and PWF Championships and the last containing $500,000. All hanging on 4 poles on top of each corner above the cage.
-A match ends when 4 different SuperStars grab the different cases.
De'Ron King, Ken Prime, Razor Steele, Matt Cain, Grady V, & Evan Steens competed in the MRME match which lasted 20:22. Matt Cain, Razor Steele, De'Ron King, & Evan Steens all grabbed brief cases. Shane McMillan joined the four men on the stage to reveal what each case contained. De'Ron King was up first, his case contained a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. Matt Cain was next, his case contained a shot a the PWF Championship. Cain celebrated as all the others looked on in anger. Evan Steens was next, his contained the $500,000. So Razor Steele opened his which contained a shot at the World Tag Team Championships.
A video package showing the history of the rivalry between The Panthers and the N.E.W was shown.
"The King of the Ring" William Stevens def GQ following the Fatality to become the new Southern Champion in a steel cage match.
Karen stood by with members of the N.E.W, the Jade Boyz. Matt Jade: "Tonight we do exactly what William Stevens just did, capture gold. Tonight the Jade Boyz become the first team to be two time World Tag Team Champions in PWF."
The Jade Boyz (Matt & Kent) def Brash N Class (Kevin N Rich) following a Swanton Bomb from Matt onto Rich from the top of the steel cage to become the new World Tag Team Championships in a tornado steel cage match.
Karen stood by with member of the N.E.W, Intercontinental Champion Trent Ryan. Ryan: "Karen after I retain my title here tonight the N.E.W will be full of gold. And there is nothing stopping us from taking all the titles in the PWF."
Intercontinental Champion "The Chosen One" Trent Ryan wrestled Danny Mash to a no contest after a 30 minute time limit draw in a championship match. After the bell rang due to time limit running out both men continued to brawl with each other, each battered and bloodied. While brawling after the match Ryan brought out a ladder. Later on Mash gained advantage and hit the Drop (Gordbuster) which placed Ryan on the time keepers table at ringside. Mash then ascended the ladder and hit the Mash from atop the ladder onto Ryan through the table. EMTs and trainers ran down to the ring to check on both men.
A promo for the PWFs summer extravaganza Beach Blash pay-per-view aired.
From the booth Richards, Sanchez & Louis recapped the events of the Intercontinental Championship match and the ppv tube showed both men being wheeled to the back on stretchers and the fans giving a standing ovation and chanting.
A video packaged aired showing the SuperStars in various places in Phoenix, Arizona and talking about Steel Showdown being the first PWF event aired outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Colt Hero def Virgil Walker to become #1 contender to the PWF Championship in a steel cage match following the Twisted Justice (Moonlight Drive). After the match Hero went under the ring and grabbed a green steel chair, the same one found at the scene when Eli Marvel was taken out. He threw Walker out of the cage door and demanded a microphone. Hero: "Here is the chair used to take out Eli Marvel. And here is the man who took him out... ME! Why? Virgil was right a couple of weeks ago, Eli was holding me back. I take him out and look where I am now, the next man to get a shot at the PWF Championship. Call it what you call it, I call it being smart."
PWF Champion Nick Foster stood in the back in the interview area. Foster: "Kid, you and your friends tried to take me out this past week but I'm still standing. After tonight's match, you won't be."
A video package recapping Nick Foster's rivalry with the N.E.W aired hyping the main event.
Internet Champion Kid def PWF Champion Nick Foster in a non-title champion v. champion steel cage match following the Decapitator. During the match Foster showed no sign of injury, but Sanchez noted from the commentators booth that he was wrestling with a concussion. After about 15 minutes into the match Foster was favoring his head. Kid took advantage of it making the head the main target. After the match Kid celebrated on top of the cage with the Internet and PWF Championships. Richards: "Tonight may just be the beginning for the N.E.W. We'll see whats in store in the future. Thank for joining us, so long from Phoenix, Arizona.